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Handicap Calculation Details for Member : [Nguyen Van, Sy]

Handicap Indexes are computed using Handicap Differentials. To compute the
Handicap Differential for a given round, subtract the Course Rating from the
Adjusted Gross Score, multiply the difference by 113, and divide the result by
the course Slope rating. Round the Handicap Differential to the nearest tenth.

Since 20 rounds are available, the best 8 of the most recent 20 Handicap
Differentials will be used. The rounds from which the differentials are
being used are marked with an asterisk '*' on the Handicap Data screen.

Total of lowest 8 handicap differentials :182.0
Average (182.0 divided by 8) :22.750
Delete digits after tenths22.7
Club Index :22.7

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